If you read the earlier post you might have noticed that it referred to a single event, while this title uses the plural. That's NOT a typo. His central line was repaired early this morning, and then the repair failed to hold, so a second repair was needed. ARGH!
Thank you for your prayers. All went well, and his line has been repaired. Hopefully there will not be another infection, this repair will hold, and they'll get us out of the hospital soon.
Praise God with us for protecting our little boy, please pray for continued protection for all of us (Brad and Jamison are at the zoo today with friends), and pray that we would respond to all these circumstances in a way that brings glory too God.
Oh, and thanks to ALL of you for standing with us in prayer, helping in other ways, etc. You are all gifts from God to us, as we could most certainly not handle this without you!
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